BIPEC Updates

17 Jul


BIPEC (Business and Industry Political Education Committee) has released its Legislator “Business & Jobs” Report Card for the 2024 legislative session. The BIPEC Report Card is a way to highlight pro-business legislators for their work supporting economic growth, job development, and business-related issues for the legislative session. 

“BIPEC recognizes and appreciates the efforts of legislators who work to support Mississippi’s business climate and job creation,” said BIPEC President & CEO Derek Easley. “For the members and supporters of BIPEC, the Report Card is a resource for the business community. It is a tool to see our legislators’ measured performance and support for the growth of jobs and economic development in Mississippi.”

BIPEC is a 501c6 membership organization founded in 1980 by Mississippi’s business and professional leaders. BIPEC is a nonprofit association comprised of individuals, trade associations, and companies who unite to protect and advance free enterprise through research, education, and member action. BIPEC’s purpose is to learn backgrounds, voting records, and key positions of members and candidates for the Mississippi Legislature, Supreme Court, and Court of Appeals. BIPEC disseminates credible research findings to BIPEC members and educates BIPEC’s membership network on the impact that legislator and judge-made decisions have on Mississippi’s economic growth, business attractiveness, and the general prosperity of the State’s employers. 

View the Senate scores
View the House scores

View the list of Bill Descriptions Included in the Report Card

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31 Oct

Importance Of Gubernatorial Appointments

On Tuesday, November 7, Mississippians will vote to elect a Governor. This race will have a significant impact on the future of our state. Attached, you will see how the next Governor will affect everything from the courts to state agencies. Governor Tate Reeves has a proven record and has shown leadership on issues vital to the continued growth of Mississippi’s economy.

People need to know that Gubernatorial appointments directly impact the success of Mississippi’s businesses.

The Importance of Gubernatorial Appointments

In the Courts

  • In the event of a vacancy, the Governor appoints judges to the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, Circuit Court, Chancery Court, and County Court.
  • To get an idea of how many judicial appointments the next Governor might make, as of October 2023, the total number of judicial appointments made by Governor Reeves is 15. Former Governor Bryant made 21 appointments to the judiciary, and former Governor Haley Barbour made 19. Former Governors Bryant and Barbour appointed five of the nine current Supreme Court Justices. Governor Reeves and former Governor Bryant appointed five of the ten current Court of Appeals Justices.

At the Federal Level

  • In case of a vacancy in the office of a US Senator, the Governor appoints a Senator to fill the vacancy.
    • Governor Haley Barbour appointed Senator Roger Wicker (R)
    • Governor Phil Bryant appointed Senator Cyndy Hyde-Smith (R)
  • The Governor must approve congressional redistricting, which is the process of drawing new congressional district boundaries.

At the State Level

  • The Governor himself serves on numerous boards and commissions that serve an essential role in shaping public policy and programs that have long term impacts on the state. The Governor serves on the following:
    • State Bond Commission
    • Election Commission
    • Appalachian Regional Commission
    • Delta Regional Authority
    • Southern States Energy Board
    • Occupational Licensing Review Commission

Also, the Governor is empowered to call special legislative sessions and set the purpose and agenda for the session in advance. The Governor also has the power to veto legislation.

Appointments to State Agencies, Boards & Commissions

  • The governor appoints directors of state agencies and numerous boards and commissions which regulate business and industry, healthcare, public safety, local governments, etc. within the state.
  • Banking & Consumer Finance
  • Child Protective Services
  • Department of Employment Security
  • Department of Environmental Quality
  • Department of Finance & Administration
  • Department of Human Services
  • Department of Marine Resources
  • Department of Medicaid
  • Department of Public Safety
  • Department of Rehabilitation Services
  • Department of Revenue
  • Homeland Security
  • Mississippi Development Authority
  • Mississippi Emergency Management Agency
  • National Guard Adjutant General
  • State Aid Road Construction  
  • State Public Defender

Agencies, Boards & Commissions Appointed by the Governor

  • ABLE Board of Directors
  • Accountancy, State Board of Public
  • Adjutant General
  • Aging, Mississippi Leadership Council On
  • Agriculture and Commerce Department
  • Air Ambulance Service Board of Southeast Mississippi
  • Animal Health, State Board of
  • Architecture, State Board Of
  • Arts, Mississippi Commission On
  • Athletic Commission
  • Auctioneer Commission
  • Autism Advisory Committee, Mississippi
  • Autism Board, Mississippi
  • Banking and Consumer Finance, Department Of
  • Banking Review, State Board Of
  • Barber Examiners, State Board Of
  • Bicentennial Celebration Commission, MS
  • Blind, Mississippi Industries for The
  • Blues Commission, Mississippi
  • Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Board
  • Bond Attorney, State
  • Business Finance Corporation, Mississippi
  • Capital City Convention Center Commission
  • Central Market Board
  • Charter School Authorizer Board, Mississippi
  • Chiropractic Examiners, Board Of
  • Civil Rights Museum Advisory Committee
  • Civil War Battlefield Commission
  • Claiborne County Port Commission
  • Coast Coliseum Commission, Mississippi
  • College Savings Plans of Mississippi
  • Commercial Mobile Radio Service Board
  • Community College Board, Mississippi
  • Contractors, State Board Of
  • Corn Promotion Board, Mississippi
  • Corrections, Department Of
  • Cosmetology, State Board Of
  • Counselors, State Board of Examiners for Licensed
  • Country and Western Music Commission
  • Crime Stoppers Advisory Council
  • Dental Examiners, Board Of
  • Development Authority, Mississippi
  • Development Disabilities Planning Council
  • Disabilities Planning Council, Development
  • Drug Utilization Review Board, Division of Medicaid
  • Early Childhood Education and Care, State
  • Early Learning Collaboration Grant Program
  • Ednet Institute
  • Education, State Board Of
  • Educational Television Authority (Miss. Public Bro
  • Egg Marketing Board
  • Electronic Protection Licensing Advisory Board
  • Electronic Recording Commission, Mississippi
  • Emergency Management Agency
  • Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council
  • Employment Security, Department Of
  • Engineers and Surveyors, Mississippi Board of Lice
  • Environmental Quality Permit Board
  • Environmental Quality, Mississippi Commission on
  • Ethics Commission
  • Fair Commission
  • Finance and Administration, Department Of
  • Forest Inventory, Mississippi Institute For
  • Foresters, Board of Registration for
  • Forestry Commission, Mississippi
  • Funeral Service, State Board Of
  • Gaming Commission
  • Geologists, Board of Registered Professional
  • Grand Gulf Military Monument Commission
  • Greenville Port Commission
  • Gulf States Marine Commission
  • Gulfport, State Port Authority at
  • Hancock County Port Harbor Commission
  • Harrison County Development Commission
  • Hattiesburg-Laurel Airport Authority
  • Health Care Trust Fund
  • Health Insurance Management Boards
  • Health, State Board of
  • Holocaust Commission
  • Home Corporation, Mississippi
  • Home Inspector Regulatory Board
  • Hospital Equipment Facilities Authority, Mississippi
  • Human Services, Department Of
  • Humanities Council, Mississippi
  • Independent Living Council, Statewide
  • Information Technology Services Authority
  • Institutions of Higher Learning
  • Insurance Department
  • Interior Design Advisory Committee
  • Jackson County Port Authority
  • Jail Officer Standards and Training Board
  • Judicial Advisory Study Committee, Mississippi
  • Judicial Appointments Advisory Committee
  • Land, Water, And Timber Resources Board
  • Landscape Architecture Advisory Committee
  • Law Enforcement Officers Standards and Training
  • Library Commission, Mississippi
  • Local Government Records Committee
  • Lottery Corporation Board of Directors
  • Marine Resources, Mississippi Commission On
  • Marine Resources, Mississippi Department of
  • Massage Therapy, Mississippi State Board Of
  • Medicaid, Mississippi Division Of
  • Medical Care Advisory Committee
  • Medical Licensure, State Board Of
  • Mental Health, Board Of
  • Motor Vehicle Commission, Mississippi
  • Nursing Home Administrators, Mississippi
  • Nursing, Mississippi Board Of
  • Oil and Gas Board, State
  • Optometry, Mississippi State Board Of
  • Parole Board
  • Pat Harrison Waterway District
  • Peanut Promotion Board
  • Pearl River Basin Development District
  • Pearl River Industrial Commission
  • Pearl River Valley Water Supply District
  • Personnel Board Advisory Council
  • Personnel Board, Mississippi State
  • Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee-Division
  • Pharmacy, Board Of
  • Physical Fitness and Sports, Governor’s Comsn.
  • Physical Therapists, Mississippi State Board Of
  • Polygraph Examiners Board
  • Post-Secondary Education Financial Assistance
  • Prison Industries Corporation Board
  • Psychology, Mississippi Board Of
  • Public Defender, Office of the State
  • Public Employees Retirement System of MS
  • Public Procurement Review Board
  • Public Safety, Department of
  • Rankin-Hinds Pearl River Flood Control
  • Real Estate Appraiser Licensing and Certification
  • Real Estate Commission, Mississippi
  • Rehabilitation Services, State Department of
  • Remote Sensing &Geographic Information Systems
  • Residential Builders and Remodelers
  • Revenue, State Department of
  • Rice Promotion Board
  • River Parkway Commission, Mississippi
  • Road Protection Commission
  • Sesquicentennial of the American Civil War Comsn.
  • Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel
  • Social Workers & Marriage and Family Therapists,
  • Soil and Water Conservation Commission
  • Southeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste
  • Southern Growth Policies Board
  • Southern Rapid Rail Transit Commission
  • Soybean Promotion Board
  • State Aid Engineer, Office of State Aid Road Const
  • State Interagency Coordinating Council for Early I
  • Tax Appeals Board, State
  • Tenn-Tombigbee Water Development Authority
  • Tobacco Control Advisory Council
  • Tombigbee River Valley Water Mgmt. District
  • Tombigbee Valley Authority
  • Tort Claims Board, Mississippi
  • Transportation Commission Appeals Board
  • Underground Facilities Damage Prevention Board
  • Uniform State Laws, Commission on
  • Veterans Affairs Board
  • Veterans Home Purchase Board
  • Veterans Monument Commission, Mississippi
  • Veterinary Medicine, State Board Of
  • Volunteer Service, Mississippi Commission For
  • War Veterans Memorial Commission
  • Warren County Port Commission
  • Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, Commission On
  • Windstorm Mitigation Coordinating Council, Mississippi
  • Windstorm Underwriting Association, Mississippi
  • Women, Mississippi Commission on The Status of
  • Workers Compensation Commission
  • Workforce Investment Board, State
  • Yazoo County Port Commission
  • Yellow Creek-State Inland Port Authority

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15 Jun

BIPEC Names Delbert Hosemann Best For Business & Jobs

Jackson, Miss.—The Business and Industry Political Education Committee (BIPEC), which represents business and industry leaders in Mississippi, named Delbert Hosemann as “Best for Business & Jobs” in the upcoming election for Lt. Governor. BIPEC President and Chief Executive Officer Derek Easley noted Hosemann’s leadership in cutting taxes and growing the State’s educated workforce. The Republican Primary will take place on August 8. The General Election is November 7.

Hosemann was first elected as Lt. Governor in 2019 with more than 60 percent of the vote.

“Delbert has personal experience running a business and he has always brought this knowledge to the legislative arena, first as Secretary of State and also in his first term as Lt. Governor,” Easley said. “He has used this knowledge to make it easier to start and maintain a business in Mississippi. We applaud his administration’s efforts and look forward to a second term.”

Under Hosemann’s leadership, the Mississippi Senate cut the income tax by $525 million without raising any taxes. This will result in a flat income tax rate of 4 percent in 2026. Additionally, he oversaw passage of legislation otherwise making the tax code more favorable for businesses, such as allowing a full and immediate deduction on equipment rather than depreciation.

“We have worked hard to champion the interests of our businesses, increase opportunities for workforce training, and otherwise make Mississippi an attractive place to open or expand,” Hosemann said. “We are thankful for BIPEC’s endorsement.”
In his first term as Lt. Governor, Hosemann also oversaw the:

  • Creation of MFlex, a performance-based, easy-to-calculate economic development tax incentive for new or expanding industry;
  • Consolidation of workforce development efforts under one agency—Accelerate Mississippi, which is refocusing resources on training for high-demand, high-wage jobs and implementing a career coaching program in K-12 schools; and
  • Investment of billions of dollars in road, bridges, broadband, and other infrastructure in order to prepare for and encourage economic development throughout the State.

As a steadfast conservative who spent most of his career as a businessman in the private sector, Hosemann previously served as Secretary of State. Raised in Warren County, Mississippi, Hosemann holds a bachelor’s degree in business from Notre Dame, a law degree from Ole Miss, and a Master of Laws in Taxation from New York University. He is a former partner of Phelps Dunbar, LLP.  Hosemann also served his country in the United States Army Reserve.
Delbert and Lynn Hosemann, married for more than 52 years, have three children and eight grandchildren. 
For more information about the campaign, visit

BIPEC reviews backgrounds of candidates running for the Legislature and statewide offices. BIPEC disseminates research findings to members and educates its members on the impact elected officials could have on economic growth and MS employers. It is an independent, autonomous organization and is not affiliated with any political party or candidate. BIPEC actions are limited to advocacy, candidate research, and candidate recommendations. BIPEC evaluates many factors while considering recommendations, including potential election unity within the business/employer community.

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31 May


BIPEC (Business and Industry Political Education Committee) has released its Legislator “Business & Jobs” Report Card for the 2023 legislative session. The BIPEC Report Card recognizes pro-business legislators for their work supporting economic growth, job development, and business-related issues for the legislative session. 

“BIPEC recognizes and appreciates the efforts of these legislators,” said Derek Easley, BIPEC President & CEO. “For the members and supporters of BIPEC, the Report Card is a resource for the business community. It is a tool to see our legislators’ measured performance and their support for the growth of jobs and economic development in Mississippi.”

BIPEC is a 501c6 membership organization founded in 1980 by Mississippi’s business and professional leaders. BIPEC is a nonprofit association comprised of individuals, trade associations, and companies who unite to protect and advance free enterprise through research, education, and member action. BIPEC’s purpose is to learn backgrounds, voting records, and key positions of members and candidates for the Mississippi Legislature, Supreme Court, and Court of Appeals. BIPEC disseminates credible research findings to BIPEC members, educates BIPEC’s membership network on the impact that legislator and judge-made decisions have on Mississippi’s economic growth, business attractiveness and general prosperity of the State’s employers. 

View the Senate scores

View the House scores

View the list of Bill Descriptions Included in the Report Card

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15 Sep


BIPEC (Business and Industry Political Education Committee) has released its Legislator “Business & Jobs” Report Card for the 2022 legislative session. The BIPEC Report Card recognizes “Business & Jobs Champions” for their work supporting economic growth, job development, and business-related issues for the legislative session.

For over 40 years, BIPEC has been the organization that provides you with information to assess the legislature’s performance on business issues. The BIPEC “Business & Jobs” Legislator Report Card is THE resource for employers to gauge their legislator’s pro-business acumen.

We will continue to protect your interests by supporting candidates, promoting “Business and Jobs” champions, and educating our members and the public about important legislation and elections.

View the Senate scores | View the House scores

View the list of Bill Descriptions Included in the Report Card

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07 Jun


BIPEC (Business and Industry Political Education Committee) has released its Legislator “Business & Jobs” Report Card for the 2021 legislative session. The BIPEC Report Card recognizes “Business & Jobs Champions” for their work supporting economic growth, job development, and business-related issues for the legislative session.

For over 40 years, BIPEC has been the organization that provides you with information to assess the legislature’s performance on business issues. The BIPEC “Business & Jobs” Legislator Report Card is THE resource for employers to gauge their legislator’s pro-business acumen.

The past two years have brought unprecedented challenges for businesses. It highlighted the importance of an organization like BIPEC that brings awareness to legislation that might bolster or harm Mississippi’s economy.

Included in the scorecard this year are votes on two bills in the House of Representatives to phase out the individual income tax. While exploring the elimination of the income tax has merit, their proposal would have imposed significant increases in sales taxes on certain business inputs.

House Bill 1439 would have increased taxes on the following industries: manufacturing, farming, timber, dairy, and automobile dealers. Electric power associations would have also faced increased costs that would likely be passed on to consumers, including business customers, in the form of higher rates. All businesses and industries would have paid 2.5% more in sales tax on purchases of business-related goods, services, telecommunications services, and utilities currently subject to the 7% rate.

Senate Bill 2971 was amended in the House to include a version of HB 1439. While the amendment removed tax increases on some industries, many still faced significant tax increases on business inputs. However, all businesses and industries would still have paid more in sales tax. The regular retail sales tax rate applicable to ordinary purchases of business-related goods, services, telecommunications services, and utilities would have increased from 7% to 9.5%.

Since the pro-business vote was in opposition to the legislation, many in the House of Representatives were negatively affected in their BIPEC grade.

We will continue to protect your interests by supporting candidates, promoting “Business and Jobs” champions, and educating our members and the public about important legislation and elections.

View the Senate scores | View the House scores

View the list of Bill Descriptions Included in the Report Card

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25 Nov

Special Election: Joseph Tubb Declared Winner in HD 87

Joseph Tubb has won a special election runoff for House District 87. According to WDAM, Tubb received 58% of the vote to defeat Matthew Conoly for the House of Representatives’ seat. House District 87 represents parts of Forrest and Lamar counties. This seat was previously held by Billy Andrews.

Tubb was named back in October as “Best for Business & Jobs” by BIPEC.

BIPEC reviews backgrounds of candidates running for the Legislature. BIPEC disseminates research findings to members and educates its membership on the impact that elected officials could have on economic growth and MS employers. It is an independent, autonomous organization and is not affiliated with any political party or candidate. BIPEC actions are limited to advocacy, candidate research and candidate recommendations. BIPEC evaluates many factors while considering recommendations including potential election unity within the business/employer community.

Derek Easley
President & CEO, BIPEC

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10 Sep


BIPEC has released its Legislator “Business & Jobs” Report Card for the 2020 legislative session. The BIPEC Report Card recognizes “Business & Jobs Champions” for their work supporting economic growth, job development, and business-related issues for the legislative session.

View the Senate scores
View the House scores

View an explanation of each bill here

We will be mailing a printed version of the report card to all BIPEC members in the coming days. If you would like additional copies of the report card, please let us know.

At you can view the interactive version of the report card. Click the heading links to switch between Representatives and Senators. The report card is sortable by grade, legislator name, party, and district. You can hover over the bill names to see a description of each bill. When you click on a legislator’s name, you will see a list of bills with links to the bill and to the individual votes recorded at the Mississippi Legislative Website.

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02 Jul

MS Back-to-Business Liability Assurance Act going to the Governor

Legislation that will help protect businesses and healthcare providers against frivolous COVID-19-related claims is on its way to Governor Reeves for his signature. BIPEC led a coalition of business groups to pass what is known as the “Mississippi Back-to-Business Liability Assurance Act.” This important act will preserve both justice and economic recovery in Mississippi by enacting reasonable safeguards against a potential surge of coronavirus lawsuits. We believe that this legislation is one of the strongest, if not the strongest, COVID-19 liability bills in the country. You can view it HERE.
There are a growing number of COVID-19 related lawsuits across the United States. Some personal injury lawyers view individuals exposed to COVID-19 as a vast new pool of plaintiffs, and healthcare providers, businesses, non-profits, charitable, and religious organizations that aid in the response effort or provide essential services as defendants to cast blame. The first lawsuits targeting healthcare providers, employers, retailers, and other businesses have been filed. Many more are to come.
It is good public policy to give our courts clear direction and to distinguish valid claims from meritless lawsuits in this unprecedented time. Many of Mississippi’s employers are concerned that they may not survive the pandemic and are dealing with a crisis through no fault of their own. They are doing everything possible to remain open to serve their customers. We commend legislative leaders for taking this action. Below is a quick synopsis of what the legislation does.

  • Who is covered?
    person is defined as someone who attempts, in good faith, to follow applicable public health guidance.
  • What is the definition of a person?
    Person means an individual, state, political subdivision, association, educational entity, for-profit or non-profit entity, religious organization, or charitable organization.  
  • What is the definition of public health guidance?
    Public health guidance means any written guidance related to the COVID-19 State of Emergency, issued by an executive agency or regulatory agency of the federal government or an executive agency of the State of Mississippi.
  • Who is not covered?
    Any defendant shown by clear and convincing evidence to have acted with actual malice or willful or intentional misconduct is not covered.
  • Who has liability protection?
    Premises: This means any physical place serving a commercial, residential, educational, religious, governmental, cultural, charitable, or health care purpose.
    Businesses: The bill protects businesses (essential and non-essential) through the definition of “person.”  
    Product liability: The legislation provides protections to anyone that designs, manufactures, labels, sells, distributes, or donates personal protective equipment in response to COVID-19.

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28 Jun

Mississippi Will Adopt a New State Flag

Last week the BIPEC Board of Directors moved quickly and decisively to take a position on the issue of the state flag. On Sunday evening, legislation to remove and adopt a new state flag passed the House and Senate. It is now on its way to the Governor. Governor Tate Reeves has said publicly that he will sign the bill. The legislation will also create a commission to design a new flag that voters will have a chance to vote on during the November elections.

Last week, BIPEC issued the following statement. “The Business and Industry Political Education Committee’s (BIPEC) mission statement emphasizes that Mississippi businesses should ‘unite, protect, and advance free enterprise.’ Our current flag divides us, hurts our economy, and hinders free enterprise. BIPEC supports legislative efforts to change the current state flag. Mississippi is always competing for economic development opportunities. The current flag puts us at a disadvantage. Mississippi should have a flag that will cast our state in a positive light.”

BIPEC and many of its members played a pivotal role in the passage of this historic legislation.

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